NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
The prosperity of each country is realized by the freedom, democracy and "ruled under the law" of the world.
I seri… at 04/28 16:33
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
Please read along with the proposal for the United States (Saturday).
April 14, 2019, Special Zone Sunday Edition:… at 04/28 16:33
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
Of course, "temporary immigrants" who do not fall under "appropriate" do not qualify as "migrant workers".
It will… at 04/28 16:33
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
So if you make "temporary immigration" a system that allows you to work freely in Germany as "immigrant workers", i… at 04/28 16:33
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
In the "temporary immigration" work in the "special zone" for about three years, it becomes a "skilled worker" who can speak German. at 04/28 16:33
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
(It is better to have a "German language school" or a "vocational training school" to learn at night etc.)
The “int… at 04/28 16:33
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
Even if it escapes, it is only in the "special zone".
"Temporary immigration" learns German-style work while workin… at 04/28 16:33
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
However, it is doubtful that German society accepts human resources who can speak German and receive vocational tra… at 04/28 16:33
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
I think in France it is the treatment of "bak + 3".
It is similar to the German "Meister" system.
I think the Germ… at 04/28 16:33
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
As in France, there is no discrimination of status due to academic background.
Although there are "politeness" abov… at 04/28 16:33
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
This is because Japanese commerce and industry valued "experience and achievement".
In Japan, management and employ… at 04/28 16:33
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
Since "interns of foreigners' skills" are severe working conditions, there is a problem of fleeing from "the traini… at 04/28 16:33
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
This is the same in Japan.
Japan will accept "foreign skilled workers" from April 2019.
(We have already accepted f… at 04/28 16:33
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
In particular, there is a lack of specialized human resources with excellent skills in local SMEs, and there are al… at 04/28 16:33
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
Germany's expanding acceptance of foreign workers is due to the fact that labor shortages have become serious due t… at 04/28 16:33
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
In Germany, the increase in refugees became a social issue, causing the Merkel administration to shake, but it was… at 04/28 16:33
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
If you can speak German and have received vocational training, you will be able to enter Germany and search for job… at 04/28 16:32
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
@VP I also mentioned last week.
At the end of last year, the German Merkel administration cabinet-decided a "Specia… at 04/28 16:32
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
If governments and embassies can not protest the Japanese government,
request an investigation from the ICC.
Ther… at 04/28 16:27
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
This is the perfect "False charge".
Victims should apply to the governments and media of each country.
Governments… at 04/28 16:27
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
Even if you get a status of residence with “false documents”,
if you work within the scope of status of residence,… at 04/28 16:27
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
The "crime reasons" of the prosecution are stipulated in Article 22-4-4
of the Immigration Act "Revocation of Stat… at 04/28 16:27
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "Sins for Support"
against "illegal labor" is stipulated in "Sins promot… at 04/28 16:27
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
Foreigners were able to do "illegal labor" because they were in Japan.
So, as a crime against Article 70 "illegal l… at 04/28 16:27
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
I gave a foreigner "Employment Contract Documents with False Content".
Foreigners were able to easily obtain the st… at 04/28 16:27
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
I think there are more victims, but I do not know the information.
It is a third party who has handed out the “cont… at 04/28 16:27
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
The prosecution has arrested third parties
for "supporting" the aforementioned "illegal labor" of foreigners.
The… at 04/28 16:27
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
They are arrested for "illegal labor"
under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act
and are subject to "crimina… at 04/28 16:27
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
There are many foreigners (innumerable).
Save the victims of the Japanese government around you around the world!
T… at 04/28 16:27
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
@VP Mrs. Carroll, President Macron is carrying out "a promise with you".
"I will do everything I can for the former… at 04/28 16:27
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
The prosecutor's office succeeded in manipulating the impression on the people
that "Arrest is natural."
But it is… at 04/28 16:24
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
However, the French government and Renault do not give up control of Nissan.
Japan is a crisis that can be labeled… at 04/28 16:24
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
District Public Prosecutors Office.
But Nissan executives did not.
"Grudge" probably was big.
And Nissan executives… at 04/28 16:24
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
In addition, there is also the issue of leaving the EU,
and there is also the possibility of transferring Nissan's… at 04/28 16:24
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
The French government is aiming to transfer more
of Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi's production base to France.
That wi… at 04/28 16:24
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
Renault has maintained a "friendly attitude" towards "strengthening the partnership relationship"
with Nissan.
How… at 04/28 16:24
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
According to several sources, Renault has been "informed" to Nishikawa Hiroto,
president and chief executive offic… at 04/28 16:24
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
It is known on the 22nd that France Renault has proposed "business integration"
to Nissan Motor this month. at 04/28 16:24
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
@VP Enlightenment.
The arrest of Carlos Ghosn became a "full-scale war"
of "France vs. Japan". France Renault pro… at 04/28 16:24
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
私は、それで「特別地帯」を提案しています。』拝啓 テリーザ・メイ首相 エマニュ… at 04/28 07:20
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
しかしルノーが「態度を一変」させた形で「両社の緊張」が、「再び高まる」のは「必至」だ。』拝啓 テリーザ・メイ首相 エマニュエル…| at 04/28 07:20
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
彼らは while working「ドイツ語」を学ぶと思います。』宝船| at 04/28 07:18
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
特に地方の中小企業で優れた技能を持つ専門人材が不足しており、今後3年間で3分の2の企業で新たな人材が必要になるとの調査もある。』青い鳥| at 04/28 07:16
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
また、EU離脱の問題もあり、日産の英国での生産をフランスに移す可能性もありま… at 04/28 07:16
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
『ドイツが外国人労働者の受け入れを拡大するのは、少子高齢化で人手不足が深刻になっているためだ。』桃太郎| at 04/28 07:14
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
『カルロスゴーンの逮捕は「フランス対日本」の「full‐scale war」となった。
』桃太郎| at 04/28 07:13
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
アメブロを更新しました。 『欧州の特別地帯 日曜版:フランスのように「学歴」による身分の差別がありません。』 #経営者 #世界 at 04/28 07:12
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
アメブロを更新しました。 『日産幹部はゴーン氏を日産から追い出すことには成功した。 しかし、仏政府やルノーが日産の支配をあき』 #社長 #ルノー at 04/28 07:11
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
皆さん、おはようございます。 くじらの声 : 「暫定移民」は「特別地帯」の工場で働きながら、ドイツ流の仕事を学びます。 彼らは while working「ドイツ語」を学ぶと思います。 at 04/28 07:10
NaganoMirai / 長野恭博
皆さん、おはようございます。 くじらの声 : キャロル夫人、マクロン大統領は「あなたとの約束」を実行して、います、よ。 マクロン仏大統領は「ゴーン前会長のためにできることはすべてする」と言った。 at 04/28 07:09