
EUも有難う【ホワイトハウスからのメール 2019-04-05】ニュージャージー州の乳母を殺害した容疑者はホンジュラスから2度国外追放された違法移民であった ウェストウィングリード ニュージャージー州の乳母を殺害した容疑者はホンジュラスから2度国外追放された違法移民であった

【ホワイトハウスからのメール 2019-04-05】ニュージャージー州の乳母を殺害した容疑者はホンジュラスから2度国外追放された違法移民であった



「先月ニュージャージー州でジョギング中に行方不明になった女性の乳母を殺害したとして起訴された男は、違法に米国に滞在し、水曜日にホンジュラス、入国管理局および関税執行に強制送還された」とAnna Giaritelliは報告する。
「民主党議員は、2016年にロバート・ミュラー特別顧問のトランプ選挙運動がロシア人と共謀しなかったという結論をまだ受けています。しかし、彼らは今、政治的復活戦略にぶつかっています。ボードは書き込みます。 「Barr氏の4ページの手紙がMueller氏の報告から直接引用されているので、これは非常にすばらしいことです。」
「Zillowによる新たな調査によると、不動産投資家は米国内のOpportunity Zonesに集まり、そこで特定の領域内で投資することでキャピタルゲイン税の割引を受けることができます」とMichael GerrityはWorld Property Journalに書いています。オポチュニティゾーンでの販売価格は年間20%以上上昇し、歴史的に低所得で苦痛を感じているこれらのコミュニティの不動産価値を高めています。

ナルドJ.トランプ大統領がNATO事務局長のJens Stoltenbergと会談 2019年4月2日 tps://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/46805397374_1e2051a737_o-1024x683.jpg


●こちらは、多くの外国人が被害者です。あなたも #MeToo  被害者です。

【Email from the White House 2019-04-05】"The man charged with murdering a female nanny who went missing while jogging in New Jersey last month was in the U.S. illegally..."

Man Accused of Murdering New Jersey Nanny Was Twice-Deported Illegal Immigrant from Honduras

“The man charged with murdering a female nanny who went missing while jogging in New Jersey last month was in the U.S. illegally and had twice been deported to Honduras, Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed to the Washington Examiner Wednesday,” Anna Giaritelli reports.
“Jorge Rios, 33, has been charged with murdering Carolina Cano, 45, as well as kidnapping and aggravated sexual assault. Both lived in Jersey City, N.J., where the attack took place.” Jersey City designated itself as a sanctuary city in February 2017.
Click here to read more.

“Democrats are still reeling from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s conclusion that the Trump campaign did not collude with Russians in 2016. But they’ve now hit upon a political comeback strategy: Accuse Attorney General William Barr of a coverup,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes. “That’s preposterous, since Mr. Barr’s four-page letter quotes directly from Mr. Mueller’s report.”

KYFL reports that Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry (R-LA) has announced the arrest of an illegal immigrant “accused of more than 100 counts of sex crimes.” The suspect, a registered sex offender, illegally re-entered the United States after being deported and was re-arrested for victimizing a child under 13. “Illegal immigration has real-life consequences,” Attorney General Landry said.

“According to new research from Zillow, real estate investors appear to be flocking to Opportunity Zones in the U.S., where they can receive a discount on capital gains taxes for investing within certain areas,” Michael Gerrity writes in World Property Journal. Sale prices in Opportunity Zones have grown by more than 20 percent annually, increasing the value of real estate in these historically low-income, distressed communities.

“A workplace raid in Allen, Texas, by Immigration and Customs Enforcement led to the arrests of 280 workers suspected of illegally working in the United States,” Claude Thompson reports in the Washington Examiner. U.S. law enforcement carried out the operation yesterday in what is being called “the largest workplace raid since before the Obama administration.”

President Donald J. Trump meets with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg | April 2, 2019

Dogwood trees are seen in bloom on the North Lawn of the White House | March 26, 2019

● Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

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