
【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン2018-08-17】EUも有難う

毎日1600 ホワイトハウス•2018年8月16日 先日




この計画の重要な部分は、オピオイド虐待に取り組み、地域社会における中毒の拡散を止める法執行機関の役割です。この夏の初め、Jeff Sessions検事総長は、合成オピオイド・トラフィッキングに対するゼロ・トレランス・ポリシーを取り入れたOperation Synthetic Opioids Surge(SOS)の発売を発表しました

「私は、米国を拠点とする地区にアメリカの弁護士を300人以上派遣しました。それは何十年にも及ぶ検察の急増でした」と司法長官は書いています。 「14年間連邦検察官を務めたことで、私は何ができるのかを知っている」






「トランプ氏とマッチ・コーチェン上院議員(マッチ・コーチェル上院議員)が全国のサーキットコートを再編している」と、ワシントン・ポスト紙が今週報じた。 24の確認と13の空席があれば、トランプと共和党は全米で2番目に高い裁判所に裁判官の20%以上を雇用する権限を持っている」





D. Myles Cullenによる公式ホワイトハウス写真

マイク・マスコネル上院議員、最高裁判事ノミニー・ブレット・カヴァナフ裁判官、ジョン・カイル元上院議員と会談する| 2018年7月10日

●こちらは、多くの外国人が被害者です。あなたも #MeToo  被害者です。
【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-08-17】

The White House • August 16, 2018
The Day Ahead
President Donald J. Trump is hosting a meeting of his Cabinet before sitting down with the Secretary of Homeland Security this afternoon.
Punishing drug dealers, not victims
In March, President Trump laid out his three-part plan to combat America’s deadly opioid crisis: reducing demand, cutting off illicit suppliers, and expanding opportunities for proven treatment.
A key part of the plan is law enforcement’s role in tackling opioid abuse and halting the spread of addiction in our communities. Earlier this summer, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the launch of Operation Synthetic Opioids Surge (SOS), which embraces a zero-tolerance policy toward synthetic opioid trafficking
“I sent more than 300 new assistant US attorneys to districts across America, including one to Maine. It was the largest prosecutor surge in decades,” the Attorney General writes. “Having served as a federal prosecutor for 14 years, I know what a difference that can make.”
This operation punishes the right people: distributors of illegal drugs, not the victims suffering from addiction. For these victims, the Trump Administration is pursuing ways to expand evidence-based treatment, such as ensuring that first responders are supplied with lifesaving medication used to reverse overdoses.
Attorney General Sessions: How law enforcement is taking action on opioids
Share your story: Americans are feeling the weight of the Crisis Next Door
A quiet revolution
Policies can change with each new Administration, but restoring our nation's courts with judges committed to interpreting the law—not creating it—will benefit Americans for years to come.
Supreme Court nominations get the most attention, and Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the High Court will indeed be a landmark win for conservatives. But given the sheer volume of cases in America, lower courts offer the last word in thousands of rulings each year.
“With little fanfare, Trump and [Senate Majority Leader Mitch] McConnell reshape the nation’s circuit courts,” The Washington Post reported this week. “With 24 confirmations and 13 vacancies to fill, Trump and the Republicans have the power to install more than 20 percent of the judges on the nation’s second-highest courts.”
The Senate has already confirmed more of President Trump’s appellate judges than any President during his first two years in office. The result will be a Federal judiciary that is far more committed to the rule of law than to the rule of judges.
“With little fanfare, Trump and McConnell reshape the nation’s circuit courts”
More: What to know about President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee
Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen
Vice President Mike Pence meets with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Supreme Court Nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, and former United States Senator Jon Kyl | July 10, 2018

● Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

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