中小企業管理者のリンダ・マクマホン氏は、今週これらの話題の一部を共有しました。 「これは中小企業の真の時代です。 「初めて記録的に見ると、仕事を探している失業者よりも就職が多い」
"米国。 Wells Fargo / Gallup Small Business Indexの15年の歴史の中のどこよりも、中小企業のオーナーはもっと楽観的です」とGallupのFrank NewportとColeen McMurrayが書いています。 「この新しい雇用に対する楽観的な期待は、多くの雇用主が良質の労働者を見つけて雇うことが最大の課題であると報告している理由を説明するのに役立ちます。
CNBCで、国土安全保障長官Kirstjen Nielsenは、国家のサイバー脅威に対応するための民間部門の不可欠な役割について説明しています。それが先週[DHS]が業界ニーズに基づいたイニシアチブである国家リスク管理センターを立ち上げ、政府と民間セクターを結び付けて国家の重要インフラを守るためのより良い方法の醸成に焦点を当てた理由です。
マイアミヘラルド、住宅都市開発長官のベンカーソンは、ベテランのホームレスへの終わりが南フロリダに届いていると書いています。 「われわれは、この国に奉仕するほど犠牲を払っている人々が、自分たちの自宅と呼ぶことができる家を持っているのではないかということより、大きな責任はほとんどない」
●こちらは、多くの外国人が被害者です。あなたも #MeToo 被害者です。
【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-08-09】
Tax Cuts Delivering the Relief Small Businesses Need
It’s undeniable that tax cuts have played a crucial role in America’s economic resurgence. Still, when it comes to their impact, there’s nothing more powerful than hearing directly from our country’s small business owners.
Small Business Administrator Linda McMahon shared some of these stories this week. “This truly is a golden age for small business,” she writes. “For the first time on record, there are more job openings than unemployed people looking for work.”
Click here to read more.
In The Wall Street Journal, Bruce Meyer and James Sullivan write that when it comes to poverty in America, “the White House tells the truth, but partisans on both sides are wedded to the idea of failure.” Their conclusion: “Encouraging self-sufficiency used to be a bipartisan issue; it can be again.”
In The Hill, Liz Peek writes that American families are much better off today despite desperation from Democrats “to convince voters that the improving Trump economy is not helping America’s workers.” She adds that people are confident because “jobs are plentiful” and “many people are seeing their wages go up.”
“U.S. small-business owners are more optimistic now than at any point in the 15-year history of the Wells Fargo/Gallup Small Business Index,” Frank Newport and Coleen McMurray write for Gallup. “This optimistic anticipation of new hires helps explain why many owners report that being able to find and hire good workers is their top challenge.”
In CNBC, Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen explains the private sector’s essential role in response to national cyber threats. “That is why last week [DHS] launched the National Risk Management Center, an initiative driven by industry needs and focused on fostering a better way to bring government and the private sector together to defend our nation's critical infrastructure.”
In the Miami Herald, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson writes that the end to veteran homelessness is within reach in South Florida. “We have few responsibilities greater than making certain those who have sacrificed so much in service to this country have a home they can call their own.”
● Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a #MeToo victim too.