
マイク・ポンペオ国務長官は、イランと中国が宗教的迫害を終わらせるよう警告している。 【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン2018-07-29】

決心する 本当のニュース司会のトランプはあなたに迷いたくない



Gabby Morrongielloは、トランプ大統領が第2四半期に米国のGDPが年率4.1%に上昇したと発表した。彼女は、大統領が「金曜日の数字と新しい二国間貿易協定の継続的な交渉と相まって、現在の製造業のルネッサンスは、米国が再び世界全体の経済的羨望であることを証明した」と述べている。



- 今日の米国

「オリンピックでは、対戦しているアスリートが規則を破り続けて、ルールを破ってもらえれば、アメリカのファンはコーチに騒ぎを起こさせたい」と農業大臣のソニー・ペルデュは書いている。 「これは国際貿易の分野で起こっていることであり、ドナルド・トランプ大統領は不公正なプレーのために競争相手を正式に呼びかけている」
トランプはホワイトハウスで「Made in America」イベントを開催


"トランプ大統領は、月曜日にホワイトハウスで第2回「Made in America」イベントを開催した。この行事は、行政の経済政策を祝うために設計されたもので、50州からの製品を展示した」とCBS Newsが報じている。




- ダラスモーニングニュース

「トランプ政権の成長促進政策のおかげで、米国経済は活況を呈しています」とイワンカ・トランプ大統領顧問が記しています。 「労働者のスキルをより効果的に作り出し、非就労者を傍観者から引き離すことができれば、経済の未来はさらに明るくなる可能性がある」



「セントルイスの郊外に隠れていることは、ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領の厳しい貿易政策の大きな成功事例の1つです」とナショナル・トレード・カウンシルのピーター・ナバロ監督は書いています。 「これは2015年に空いているグラナイトシティ製鉄所の再生と、約2,000人の鉄鋼労働者の助けとなり、補助金をかけた外国からの輸入の洪水の影響を受けている」


- 丘



- 今日の米国

マイク・ポンペオ国務長官は、イランと中国が宗教的迫害を終わらせるよう警告している。 「迫害され、拷問され、偽りに投獄され、信仰のために殺された人々の話を聞く必要がある」と彼は記している。 "我々は、これらの残虐行為が再び起こるのを防ぐことによって、彼らの犠牲を尊重することができる。




- 丘




Cathy McMorris Rodgers(R-WA)議員とHeritage FoundationのKay Coles James社長は、「すべての単一議会地区で、納税者は減税を受けています。 「アメリカ人は2年前よりも今より良くなっている。経済は再び活気づいている」





- クラリオン元帳



●こちらは、多くの外国人が被害者です。あなたも #MeToo  被害者です。

【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-07-29】

Trump Touts ‘Historic’ Economic Turnaround as GDP Growth Hits 4.1 Percent
-Washington Examiner
Gabby Morrongiello reports that President Trump announced the U.S. GDP rose to an annual rate of 4.1 percent in the second quarter. She writes that the President “said the current manufacturing renaissance, combined with Friday's numbers and ongoing negotiations over new bilateral trade deals, proved the U.S. is once again ‘the economic envy of the entire world.’”
Trump Announces Trade Concessions from EU Officials on Soybeans, Energy, Tariffs
-Fox News
“President Trump announced Wednesday that he has secured major trade concessions from European Union officials,” Adam Shaw reports. “Both sides agreed to work toward the goal of ‘zero’ tariffs and subsidies on non-auto industrial goods.” President Trump called it “a very big day for free and fair trade.” 
Secretary Perdue: President Trump Stands by American Farmers
-USA Today
“In the Olympics, if opposing athletes continuously broke the rules while the officials let them get away with it, American fans would want our coaches to raise a fuss,” Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue writes. “That’s what has been happening in the arena of international trade, and President Donald Trump is rightly calling out our competitors for unfair play.”
Trump Holds ‘Made in America’ Event at White House
-CBS News
“President Trump held the second ‘Made in America’ event at the White House on Monday. The event, which was designed to celebrate the administration's economic policies, showcased products from each of the 50 states,” CBS News reports.
Bonus: See what great product your home state makes.
Ivanka Trump: We Must Build Workers’ Skills More Effectively to Ensure a Bright Economic Future
-The Dallas Morning News
“Thanks to the Trump administration’s pro-growth policies, the U.S. economy is booming,” Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump writes. “If we could more effectively build workers’ skills and bring more nonworking Americans off the sidelines, our economic future could be even brighter.”
Trump Steel Tariffs Bring Hope, Prosperity Back to Granite City
-St. Louis Dispatch
“Hiding in plain sight in a suburb of St. Louis is one of the great success stories of President Donald J. Trump’s tough trade policies,” National Trade Council Director Peter Navarro writes. “This is the rebirth of the Granite City steelworks, idled in 2015 — along with about 2,000 steelworkers — under a drowning flood of subsidized foreign imports.” 
House Passes Tech-Focused Skills Training Legislation
-The Hill
The Perkins Career and Technical Education Act “unanimously passed the House on Wednesday afternoon after passing the Senate on Monday. It is now headed to President Trump’s desk,” Ali Breland and Juliegrace Brufke report. The bill, which was championed by Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump, is “aimed at bolstering skills training for technical jobs in various industries.”
Secretary of State Pompeo: Religious Persecution in Iran, China Must End Now
-USA Today
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warns Iran and China to end their religious persecution. “We need to hear the stories of those persecuted, tortured, falsely imprisoned, and killed for their faith,” he writes. “We can honor their sacrifices by preventing these atrocities from happening again.”
Get the facts: How President Trump is standing up for religious freedom
Trump Tells Veterans He Will ‘Stand Up for America’
-The Hill
“We don’t apologize for America anymore. We stand up for America. We stand up for the patriots who defend America,” President Trump told the Veterans of Foreign Wars at their national convention this week. “And we stand up for our national anthem,” the President added to a “thundering ovation.” 
Tax Cuts Only Help the Wealthy, Right? American Paychecks Show Otherwise
-Fox News
“In every single congressional district, taxpayers are seeing a tax cut,” Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Heritage Foundation President Kay Coles James write. “Americans are better off now than they were two years ago—the economy is booming again.”
Nikki Haley, Jared Kushner: For Gaza Peace, Tell the Truth About Hamas
“The old cliché about turning around a battleship is true. It doesn't happen quickly. But something is happening at the United Nations that proves that changing course is possible,” write U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley, Senior Adviser to the President Jared Kushner, U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, and Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt in CNN. 
Gov. Phil Bryant: Brett Kavanaugh Best Choice for Supreme Court
-Clarion Ledger
“Judge Kavanaugh is an outstanding nominee, and the single most qualified person in the country to serve on the United States Supreme Court. He deserves swift confirmation by the United States Senate,” Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant writes. 
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