
【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン2018-06-20a】EUも有難う あなたの毎日1600


ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領は、独立系企業連盟第75回記念祝賀連盟に取り組む予定です。 12:25 p.m.でライブを見るET。

Mike Pence副社長はニューヨークのUpstateにあるNucor Steel Auburn、Inc.の労働者と話します。 2:20 p.m.でライブを見るET。




法的な抜け穴が移民の執行を妨害し、私たちの国境の危機に貢献しました。過去3カ月間、南部国境の不法移民は、毎月50,000人を超え、「毎月の倍数」を超えています昨年、Kirstjen Nielsen国土安全保障長官が昨日語った。


実質的で永続的な解決策があれば、議会はこれらの抜け穴を埋める必要があります。密輸人や人身売買業者は、私たちの移民制度でこのような憂慮すべき弱点を理解し、悪用してきました。 「これらの抜け穴が議会で閉鎖されるまでは、法律上、米国に不法に到着した家族全員を拘留して取り除くことはできない」とニールセン長官は述べた。




トランポンプ大統領は、昨日、首相の3度目の宇宙政策指令(Space Policy Directive)を発表した際に、「あまりにも長い間、宇宙になると、探査と発見の夢は本当に政治と官僚主義によって浪費された。 「中国やロシアをはじめとする諸国が私たちを導いてくれることを望んでいない。私たちはいつも何十年も先に進めてきた。


この新しい指令は、米国の宇宙空間におけるリーダーシップの役割を元に戻すためのトランプ大統領の取り組みに基づいています。昨年6月、大統領は24年ぶりに国家宇宙会議を復活させました。 「これは、将来の世代を鼓舞し、宇宙でアメリカの誇るべき運命を取り戻すための巨大な一歩」とトランプ大統領は言う。




Joyce N. Boghosianによる公式ホワイトハウス写真

トランプ大統領とパンス副大統領が国家宇宙会議の会議に参加| 2018年6月18日

●こちらは、多くの外国人が被害者です。あなたも #MeToo  被害者です。

【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-06-20a】

Your 1600 Daily:
The White House • June 19, 2018
The Day Ahead

President Donald J. Trump will address the National Federation of Independent Businesses' 75th Anniversary Celebration. Watch live at 12:25 p.m. ET.

Vice President Mike Pence will speak to workers at Nucor Steel Auburn, Inc. in Upstate New York. Watch live at 2:20 p.m. ET.

President Trump will welcome Their Majesties King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain to the White House for an expanded bilateral meeting.


America's immigration loopholes, by the numbers
Legal loopholes have hamstrung immigration enforcement and contributed to the crisis at our border. The number of unaccompanied alien children (UACs) at U.S. ports of entry increased by a staggering 636 percent from April 2017 to April 2018. In the last three months, illegal immigration on the southern border exceeded 50,000 people per month—"multiples over each month last year," Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said yesterday.
At the same time, loopholes in our asylum laws have led to a significant spike in asylum claims. Because current law sets an easily met standard for "credible fear," refugees fleeing actual persecution and violence are bogged down in the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services backlog, which has swelled more than 1900 percent since the end of the 2012 fiscal year.
Any real, lasting solution will require Congress to close these loopholes. Smugglers and human traffickers understand and have exploited these glaring weak points in our immigration system. "Until these loopholes are closed by Congress, it is not possible, as a matter of law, to detain and remove whole family units who arrive illegally in the United States," Secretary Nielsen said.
The crisis at America's border, by the numbers
Watch: Secretary Nielsen's press briefing on illegal immigration


'Reclaiming America's proud destiny' in the heavens
"When it comes to space, too often, for too many years, our dreams of exploration and discovery were really squandered by politics and bureaucracy," President Trump said yesterday as he announced his Administration's third Space Policy Directive. "We don't want China and Russia and other countries leading us. We've always led—we've gone way far afield for decades now."
As space becomes increasingly contested, the demand for the U.S. Department of Defense to focus on protecting American space assets and interests also increases. At the same time, the rapid commercialization of space requires a traffic management framework that protects U.S. interests and considers the private sector's needs.
The new directive builds on President Trump's efforts to reinstate the American leadership role in space. Last June, the President revived the National Space Council for the first time in 24 years. "This is a giant step toward inspiring future generations and toward reclaiming America's proud destiny in space," President Trump says.
The Trump Administration is achieving a safe and secure future in space.
More: What an "America first" National Space Strategy is all about


Photo of the Day
Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian
President Trump and Vice President Pence participate in a meeting of the National Space Council | June 18, 2018
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● Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

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