
国境でのアメリカの危機【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン2018-06-19a】EUも有難う


議会のメンバーとマイク・ペンス副大統領は、ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領に加わり、国家宇宙評議会と会い、行政の最新の宇宙政策構想について話し合う予定です。 12:00 p.m.でライブを見るET。


最も厳しい家族分離政策は、私たちの国境を越えて犯罪が流出したために、あまりにも多くのアメリカ人が家族から永遠に離れているということです。フアンピナは不法な外国人によって残虐に暴行され殺された後、娘を失った。 Jamiel Shaw、Sr.は、不法に米国にいた組織員によって殺害され、息子から永久に離脱しました。


国境を越えた政策と執行の抜け穴のせいで、私たちの国を襲っている犯罪や違法薬物は止めなければなりません。しかし、議会民主党は、地域社会をより安全にするようなケイトの法則など、常識的な移民法に繰り返し反対票を投じている。 2017年、174人の民主党議員は、ギャングに関係するエイリアンが米国に入国できないようにする法案に投票しました。





「父の日に、私たちは愛する人のサポートと世話に専念する人たちに特別な敬意を表します。 「私たちの国の父親は、子供や家族のための役割モデルとして役立ちます。彼らの例を通して、彼らは勤勉と献身の基本的なアメリカの価値観を示しています。



Evelyn Rodriguezの娘は追い詰められ、2016年9月にMS-13によって残酷に殺害されました。

●こちらは、多くの外国人が被害者です。あなたも #MeToo  被害者です。

【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-06-19a】

Your 1600 Daily:
The White House • June 18, 2018
The Day Ahead
Members of Congress and Vice President Mike Pence will join President Donald J. Trump as he meets with the National Space Council to discuss the Administration's latest space policy initiative. Watch live at 12:00 p.m. ET.


America's crisis at the border
The harshest family separation policy is that too many Americans have been permanently separated from loved ones because of crime spilling across our border. Juan Pina lost his daughter after she was brutally assaulted and killed by an illegal alien. Jamiel Shaw, Sr. was permanently separated from his son, murdered by a gang member who was in the United States illegally.
Illegal immigration along our Southwest border surged 230 percent in April compared to last year, according to the Department of Homeland Security. This statistic reveals the lack of an orderly and fair process to manage the escalating flow of illegal immigrants. That flawed system creates both a humanitarian and a national security crisis at our border.
The crime and illegal drugs flooding our country because of open border policies and enforcement loopholes must stop. Yet Congressional Democrats have repeatedly voted against common sense immigration legislation, such as Kate's Law, that would make our communities safer. In 2017, 174 House Democrats voted against legislation that would have helped ensure aliens associated with a gang are not admitted into the United States.
Watch President Trump's weekly address on the gruesome threat of MS-13.
More: Inside Congressional Democrats' dangerous immigration policies


President Trump's Father's Day message
On Friday, President Trump issued a Proclamation to officially honor yesterday, June 17, as Father's Day.
"On Father's Day, we pay special tribute to the men who devote themselves to supporting and caring for their loved ones," the President writes. "Fathers across our country serve as role models for their children and families. Through their examples, they display the fundamental American values of hard work and dedication."
Read President Trump's full 2018 Father's Day Proclamation.


Photo of the Day
Evelyn Rodriguez's daughter was chased down and brutally murdered by MS-13 in September 2016.
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● Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

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