
EUも有難う 【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-04-12a 】 ウェストウィング読書    国家警備隊が国境に必要:アリゾナ州知事

【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-04-12a 】

Doug Ducey(R-AZ)知事はUSA Todayにこう記しています。「国境警備隊の使命をサポートするために国家警備隊を呼び出すためのトランプ大統領の発表は必要であり、歓迎されます。 Ducey知事は、「ワシントンの失敗の結果として生きる人にとって、国境の安全保障は政治的問題ではなく、個人的なものだ」と付け加えている。







ゴルシュフ氏は、トランプ大統領がベンチに指名した人物、アントニン・スカリアの後任者の形をした人物の正確なタイプであることを証明しました:法律を適用する公平な裁判官であり、旧司法長Edwin Meese IIIがRealClearPoliticsに書いています。


「ヘリテージ財団の政策専門家のグループがデイリー・シグナルに書いている」と、次期国務長官にマイク・ポンペオCIA長官を指名する大統領の決定は賢明かつタイムリーである。 「ポンペオは、米国が直面している国家安全保障上の課題の複雑なニュアンスを把握しています。


【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-04-12a 】

West Wing Reads |
National Guard needed at border: Arizona governor

“The announcement by President Trump to call up the National Guard to support the mission of the Border Patrol is needed and welcomed,” Gov. Doug Ducey (R-AZ) writes in USA Today. Governor Ducey adds, “For those living with the consequences of Washington’s failures, border security isn’t a political issue, it’s a personal one.”

Click here to read more.
“Russian oligarchs lost $16 billion after President Trump imposed sanctions on Russian entities last week,” Katelyn Caralle reports for the Washington Examiner. Caralle explains that President Trump “took an aggressive stance against Russia on Friday by imposing sweeping sanctions against these oligarchs, government officials, and companies that are members of Putin’s inner circle.”
In Townhall, Ken Blackwell reminds us that Justice Neil Gorsuch is celebrating his first anniversary on the Supreme Court bench today. “President Donald Trump and his supporters should celebrate as well, because in Gorsuch, Trump kept one of his core campaign promises to the American people,” Blackwell writes.
“Gorsuch has proven himself to be precisely the type of person President Trump pledged he would nominate to the bench, someone in the mold of the late Justice Antonin Scalia: an impartial judge who applies laws as they are written and shows an abiding respect for the rights guaranteed by the Constitution,” former Attorney General Edwin Meese III writes in RealClearPolitics.
“The president’s decision to nominate CIA Director Mike Pompeo as the next secretary of state is wise and timely,” a group of policy experts from the Heritage Foundation writes in The Daily Signal. “Pompeo grasps the complex nuances of the national security challenges America faces around the globe.”

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