
拝啓英国首相テリーザ・メイ 閣下2018年01月24日 時事通信によると、欧州連合(EU)は22日、ブリュッセルで外相理事会を開き、北朝鮮の個人17人を新たに資産凍結や渡航禁止の制裁リストに加える独自制裁の強化を決めた。


拝啓英国首相テリーザ・メイ 閣下2018年01月24日



テリーザ・メイ 首相、「助けてください!日本を法の下で統治される国にしてください。」
日本も批准している『市民権と政治的権利に関する国際規約』第2条(1)(3)、第4条(1)、第5条(2)、第9条(1) (5)、第13条、第14条(6)、第15条(1)、第16条、第17条、第26条。


テリーザ・メイ 閣下、ガンバレ!そして私たちを助けてください!敬具。


Please help me!

Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Terrysa May May 24th, 2018
In case
According to the newsletter, the European Union (EU) held a foreign council meeting in Brussels on 22nd, and decided to strengthen its own sanctions to add 17 individuals in North Korea to the sanction list of new asset freezing and travel prohibition. While paying close attention to the dialogue between North Korea and South Korea, the EU will keep pace with Japan and the US which will continue pressure lines.
Among the 17 subjects, individuals involved in arms trading etc. are included outside North Korea. Increasing the effectiveness of sanctions by targeting overseas residents. The EU imposes its own sanctions apart from sanctions based on the resolution of the United Nations Security Council, and subject to sanctions such as freezing assets in this decision will be 58 individuals and 10 organizations.

Great. By aligning the EU with the Japan and the US where the pressure route continues, it is possible to impose stronger economic sanctions on North Korea. As a result, North Korea can expect to abolish nuclear and missile development and experiments as soon as possible. If North Korea abolished nuclear and missile development and experiments in a visible form, the EU and Japan and the United States must make humanitarian assistance to North Korea urgent.
In order to rescue the Japanese victims illegally abducted by North Korea, Japan filed a complaint with ICC (information) to ICC, ICC is a court that judges individual humanitarian crimes. Illegal abduction detention is a crime before Mr. Kim Jong-in takes office. According to the rules of international law, you can not punish Mr. Kim Rong in this case. Illegal abduction detention contrary to Japanese law and international law by Japanese police officers, police officers and judges should be judged by the ICC. The world must be ruled under the law. Please support me.

Prime Minister Terrysa May, "Please help me, please make Japan a country governed under the law"
I am hoping for support with "crime against humanity". "Crime against humanitarian" as used in this regulation means an attack against a civilian population, as part of a wide or systematic thing, refers to one of the following acts recognizing it as such an attack . My appeal falls under the following.
(e) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms in violation of the basic rules of international law
The basic rules of international law specifically target the following.
Article 2 (1) (3), Article 4 (1), Article 5 (2), Article 9 (1) (5) of the International Covenant on Citizenship and Political Rights " , Article 13, Article 14 (6), Article 15 (1), Article 16, Article 17, Article 26.
More than that, it is clearly against, it is not criminalized anything, it is a crime against the international law as well as the Japanese constitution and law. These criminals are police officers, prosecutors, and judges. And they are lawyers. It is exactly a crime of a nation.
In response to these illegal crimes of national inequality, citizens and foreigners have no choice but to do. If we insist on international law against power there is only act of terrorism. Many victims of foreigners are also occurring today. Please let ICC investigate! Please also take up the agenda in the UN, G7, G20 and others.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.


His Excellency, Terrysa May, Gambare! And please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Contact email

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