
Introducing "TV Asahi's Independence and Partition of Ukraine" to British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. On February 22, 2022, President Putin said in a speech, ``Ukraine was created by Russia after the Russian Revolution. This is by no means a lie.

To British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

2023-12-18:Dear Sir,
In order to end the war in Ukraine, pro-Americans should learn about the conflict between "pro-Western" and "pro-Russian" groups that was born in Ukraine. A University of Tokyo student will provide super easy-to-understand explanations.

The "Ukraine conflict" started in 2014. This was America's support for the coup. As a result, Rus-sia annexed Crimea.

President Putin says of the invasion of Ukraine: ``We didn't start it.'' We were not the ones who staged a coup in Ukraine in 2014."

President Obama admitted that the United States was behind the coup. So President Obama disap-proved of Biden's proposal for war in Crimea.

This is a conflict between the "pro-Russian faction" backed by Russia and the "pro-Western Ukrainian government," and is one of the major causes of the Ukraine war, which continues to this day.

In Ukraine, which gained independence from the Soviet Union after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, conflicts between pro-Western and pro-Russian factions deepened.

In 2004, protests broke out over claims that the presidential election had been rigged, and pro-Western president Yushchenko was elected (Orange Revolution).

However, as political turmoil continued under President Yushchenko, in 2010 Yanukovych, a pro-Russian faction who had been eliminated during the Orange Revolution, returned to the presiden-cy.

However, President Yanukovych was also ousted in a protest movement by pro-Western groups (Euromaidan Revolution) that began in 2013, and Poroshenko, a pro-Western group, became pres-ident this time.

In response to this, protests by pro-Russian groups began in Ukraine. Armed groups believed to be pro-Russian have seized Crimea's parliament. And Crimea became independent from Ukraine.

Crimea held a referendum on joining Russia. The result was a majority vote. The next day, Crimea declared independence from Ukraine and was incorporated into Russia.

The annexation of Crimea sparked a conflict between pro-Western Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russian armed groups in parts of eastern Ukraine.

From here on, please see the quote in Chapter 1, ``Conflict between pro-Western and pro-Russian factions born in Ukraine.'' It is clear that Russia did not invade unilaterally.

Introducing "TV Asahi Commentator Room Takekuma: Independence and Partition of Ukraine". On February 22, 2022, President Putin said in a speech, ``Ukraine was created by Russia after the Russian Revolution. This is by no means a lie, and there are historical aspects to this.

For the continuation, please see the quote in Chapter 1, ``If you read it, you will understand the background of his Ukraine crisis.''

"Russia and Ukraine" is similar to "Japan and South Korea." Ukraine considers Ukraine to be "su-perior" to Russia. Koreans think that Korea is superior to Japan.

I believe that the involvement of the United States in the Ukraine issue is complicating the issue. I believe that once President Biden leaves the White House, at least the "war" will end.

Part 1. Citations/reference materials
Conflict between “pro-Western” and “pro-Russian” groups born in Ukraine
(This manuscript is an excerpt and edit of the contents of "The Complete History of War Taught by University of Tokyo Students") https://diamond.jp/articles/-/318034
Read the background of the Ukraine crisis to understand the flow. What is President Putin afraid of? Part 2
President Putin speaks at expert meeting about invasion of Ukraine: ``We did not start it''

I'll write tomorrow too.

"Part 2 (Japan's Abnormal Human Rights Violations)" was revised on February 27, 2023.

Part 2. Japan is a "state of abnormal human rights violations". "Everyone" of the "international community", please help!
First of all, please read "false accusation" in the 2010 "Crime of Supporting Violation of Immigration Law".

Reason for punishment:
A Chinese national obtained a "residence status" by submitting a "false employment contract." And they committed immigration law violations (activities outside of their qualifications).
Because "we" provided "false employment contract documents" to the Chinese, the Chinese were able to obtain "residence status."
The Chinese were able to "live" in Japan because they obtained a "status of residence".
Because the Chinese were able to "live" in Japan, they were able to "work illegally."
Therefore, ``we'' who ``provided'' the Chinese with ``false employment contract documents'' were punished as ``helping'' the Chinese ``activities outside the scope of their status of residence''.
This is an arbitrary "error of applicable law". This is out of the "logic of the law".

My claim:
"1" The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will take an "administrative disposition" (Immigration Control Act: Cancellation of the status of residence) for the act of submitting false documents and obtaining a status of residence. You are now "finished". "Aiding" an act of innocence is innocence.
A Chinese national who has engaged in “2” (activities outside the qualification) is not guilty. The reason is that the "person who hired them" has not been punished for "promoting illegal employment" under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, by "equality under the law", the Chinese are innocent.

The revision of the Immigration Control Law in December 2016 made it possible to punish the act of "providing" "false employment contract documents".
Implemented from January 2017. According to Article 39 of the Constitution, it is not possible to "retroactively" to the "past" and "punish".

See "Indictment." The stated facts "state" the "fact" of "not guilty." (Japanese English)
"My Appeal" (Japanese)
"My Appeal" (English)

"Chinese, Korean, Filipino, American, etc." There are more than tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world. An unusual number of people.

Prosecutors' "(deprivation) of liberty" is "arbitrary." They are "disobeying the law" and "selfish". They have no "(logical) (necessity)". The prosecution is "punishing" "as they wish".

In 2010, "me and the Chinese" in the immigration violation case, and in 2013, Philippine Embassy staff and diplomats were also punished for the same reason.

"I" argued "not guilty", explaining with "logic of the law".
Police and prosecutors then said, "(You) should admit (your crime) in general terms."
Japan is the only country that punishes in general terms! .
The judge stated "Causal relationship" with crazy "logic". When I "see" (text of the judgment), I "laugh out loud."

This case is an error of arbitrary application of law by police officers, prosecutors and judges. The charges are "abuse of authority of a special public official" and "crimes of false complaints." The prosecution "killed" the "accusation letter" and "accusation letter" by "ex officio." Therefore, the statute of limitations has been suspended.

I am "appealing" two things.
1: The foreigner performed "illegal labor" other than "status of residence". But foreigners are innocent because of "equality under the law".
2: The prosecution “applied” “Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code” to Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds of “support for Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act”. However, it is "error of applicable law". (as above).

Koreans make demands on Japan over the "solved" "comfort women and forced laborers" issue, but should support "tens of thousands of Korean victims" who have been punished for "violating immigration laws." .

The Japanese government is hiding Japan's human rights violations by making up such things as "human rights violations against Uyghurs in China."

"I" am demanding "restoration of honor" and "compensation" for myself, the Chinese, and the Philippine Embassy officials.

Everyone in the world! ! Victims should report to their respective governments. The governments of each country have an obligation to demand the Japanese government to restore the honor of their own citizens and compensate them.

Part 3. Construction of special zones.
The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.
No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. Ukraine war.
Zelensky took office on an "election promise" to scrap the Minsk Accords and regain territory through war. But when news of his tax evasion and tax havens came to light, he started a war.
No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/
No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 5. "U.S., Russia, and China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show
To create a world without war, we need a “Tripartite Military Alliance”!
No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/
No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 6. Japan's notorious judicial system and human rights violations
Japan's judicial system: Immigration law violation case False accusation: Nissan Ghosn case False accusation: Abuse at immigration facility: International student/intern student case: Non-interference in domestic affairs: Foreign opinions
No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/
No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Corona sensor development 
We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "discovers" "infected persons" like thermography.

Part 8. North Korea's Abduction and Missile Issues & Taiwan's Defense

Part 9. Promotion of One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 

Part 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issues: Immigration/Refugee Issues: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Issues/Unification Church Issues

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is published in the following program.

If you have any questions, please contact us!

posted by 長野トミー at 06:15| 東京 ☀| Comment(0) | 英国首相 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

リシ・スナク英国首相 へ 「テレビ朝日 ウクライナの独立と分断」の紹介。2022年2月22日、プーチン大統領が演説で「ウクライナはロシア革命後にロシアによって作られた。これは決して嘘ではなく、歴史的にはそういった部分があります。

リシ・スナク英国首相 へ














「テレビ朝日 コメンテーター室 武隈◆ウクライナの独立と分断」の紹介。2022年2月22日、プーチン大統領が演説で「ウクライナはロシア革命後にロシアによって作られた。これは決して嘘ではなく、歴史的にはそういった部分があります。

「続き」は、第1章の引用文「読めば流れが分かる ウクライナ危機の背景」ご覧ください。



読めば流れが分かる ウクライナ危機の背景。 プーチン大統領は何を恐れているのか〜後編
プーチン大統領、ウクライナ侵攻について「我々が始めたのではない」 専門家会議で演説











裁判官は、クレイジーな「論理」で、「因果関係=Causal relationship」を述べた。(判決の文章)を「見る」と、「大笑い」します。

この事件は、警察官、検察官、裁判官による恣意的な適用法の誤りです。罪名は、「特別公務員職権乱用罪」および「虚偽の告訴罪=Crimes of False Complaints」です。検察は「告訴状」「告発状」を「職権」によって「握りつぶした」。よって「公訴時効」は停止しています。







ゼレンスキーは、ミンスク合意を廃棄し、戦争を通じて領土を取り戻すという「選挙の公約」をして大統領に就任した。しかし彼の 脱税やタックスヘイブンが報道されたとき、彼は戦争を始めた。




第8部。北朝鮮の拉致・ミサイル問題 & 台湾防衛 


第10部。「長野」オピニオン、次世代原発:CO2フリー & SDG:ロシア・ウクライナ侵攻問題:移民・難民問題:国際・米国政治・台湾問題・統一教会問題


長野恭博 (Yasuhiro Nagano)


posted by 長野トミー at 06:13| 東京 ☀| Comment(0) | 英国首相 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


President Putin says of the invasion of Ukraine: ``We didn't start it.'' We were not the ones who staged a coup in Ukraine in 2014." President Obama admitted that America was behind the coup.

To British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

2023-12-18:Dear Sir,
In order to end the war in Ukraine, pro-Americans should learn about the conflict between "pro-Western" and "pro-Russian" groups that was born in Ukraine. A University of Tokyo student will provide super easy-to-understand explanations.

The "Ukraine conflict" started in 2014. This was America's support for the coup. As a result, Rus-sia annexed Crimea.

President Putin says of the invasion of Ukraine: ``We didn't start it.'' We were not the ones who staged a coup in Ukraine in 2014."

President Obama admitted that the United States was behind the coup. So President Obama disap-proved of Biden's proposal for war in Crimea.

This is a conflict between the "pro-Russian faction" backed by Russia and the "pro-Western Ukrainian government," and is one of the major causes of the Ukraine war, which continues to this day.

In Ukraine, which gained independence from the Soviet Union after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, conflicts between pro-Western and pro-Russian factions deepened.

In 2004, protests broke out over claims that the presidential election had been rigged, and pro-Western president Yushchenko was elected (Orange Revolution).

However, as political turmoil continued under President Yushchenko, in 2010 Yanukovych, a pro-Russian faction who had been eliminated during the Orange Revolution, returned to the presiden-cy.

However, President Yanukovych was also ousted in a protest movement by pro-Western groups (Euromaidan Revolution) that began in 2013, and Poroshenko, a pro-Western group, became pres-ident this time.

In response to this, protests by pro-Russian groups began in Ukraine. Armed groups believed to be pro-Russian have seized Crimea's parliament. And Crimea became independent from Ukraine.

Crimea held a referendum on joining Russia. The result was a majority vote. The next day, Crimea declared independence from Ukraine and was incorporated into Russia.

The annexation of Crimea sparked a conflict between pro-Western Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russian armed groups in parts of eastern Ukraine.

From here on, please see the quote in Chapter 1, ``Conflict between pro-Western and pro-Russian factions born in Ukraine.'' It is clear that Russia did not invade unilaterally.

Introducing "TV Asahi Commentator Room Takekuma: Independence and Partition of Ukraine". On February 22, 2022, President Putin said in a speech, ``Ukraine was created by Russia after the Russian Revolution. This is by no means a lie, and there are historical aspects to this.

For the continuation, please see the quote in Chapter 1, ``If you read it, you will understand the background of his Ukraine crisis.''

"Russia and Ukraine" is similar to "Japan and South Korea." Ukraine considers Ukraine to be "su-perior" to Russia. Koreans think that Korea is superior to Japan.

I believe that the involvement of the United States in the Ukraine issue is complicating the issue. I believe that once President Biden leaves the White House, at least the "war" will end.

Part 1. Citations/reference materials
Conflict between “pro-Western” and “pro-Russian” groups born in Ukraine
(This manuscript is an excerpt and edit of the contents of "The Complete History of War Taught by University of Tokyo Students") https://diamond.jp/articles/-/318034
Read the background of the Ukraine crisis to understand the flow. What is President Putin afraid of? Part 2
President Putin speaks at expert meeting about invasion of Ukraine: ``We did not start it''

I'll write tomorrow too.

"Part 2 (Japan's Abnormal Human Rights Violations)" was revised on February 27, 2023.

Part 2. Japan is a "state of abnormal human rights violations". "Everyone" of the "international community", please help!
First of all, please read "false accusation" in the 2010 "Crime of Supporting Violation of Immigration Law".

Reason for punishment:
A Chinese national obtained a "residence status" by submitting a "false employment contract." And they committed immigration law violations (activities outside of their qualifications).
Because "we" provided "false employment contract documents" to the Chinese, the Chinese were able to obtain "residence status."
The Chinese were able to "live" in Japan because they obtained a "status of residence".
Because the Chinese were able to "live" in Japan, they were able to "work illegally."
Therefore, ``we'' who ``provided'' the Chinese with ``false employment contract documents'' were punished as ``helping'' the Chinese ``activities outside the scope of their status of residence''.
This is an arbitrary "error of applicable law". This is out of the "logic of the law".

My claim:
"1" The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will take an "administrative disposition" (Immigration Control Act: Cancellation of the status of residence) for the act of submitting false documents and obtaining a status of residence. You are now "finished". "Aiding" an act of innocence is innocence.
A Chinese national who has engaged in “2” (activities outside the qualification) is not guilty. The reason is that the "person who hired them" has not been punished for "promoting illegal employment" under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, by "equality under the law", the Chinese are innocent.

The revision of the Immigration Control Law in December 2016 made it possible to punish the act of "providing" "false employment contract documents".
Implemented from January 2017. According to Article 39 of the Constitution, it is not possible to "retroactively" to the "past" and "punish".

See "Indictment." The stated facts "state" the "fact" of "not guilty." (Japanese English)
"My Appeal" (Japanese)
"My Appeal" (English)

"Chinese, Korean, Filipino, American, etc." There are more than tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world. An unusual number of people.

Prosecutors' "(deprivation) of liberty" is "arbitrary." They are "disobeying the law" and "selfish". They have no "(logical) (necessity)". The prosecution is "punishing" "as they wish".

In 2010, "me and the Chinese" in the immigration violation case, and in 2013, Philippine Embassy staff and diplomats were also punished for the same reason.

"I" argued "not guilty", explaining with "logic of the law".
Police and prosecutors then said, "(You) should admit (your crime) in general terms."
Japan is the only country that punishes in general terms! .
The judge stated "Causal relationship" with crazy "logic". When I "see" (text of the judgment), I "laugh out loud."

This case is an error of arbitrary application of law by police officers, prosecutors and judges. The charges are "abuse of authority of a special public official" and "crimes of false complaints." The prosecution "killed" the "accusation letter" and "accusation letter" by "ex officio." Therefore, the statute of limitations has been suspended.

I am "appealing" two things.
1: The foreigner performed "illegal labor" other than "status of residence". But foreigners are innocent because of "equality under the law".
2: The prosecution “applied” “Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code” to Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds of “support for Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act”. However, it is "error of applicable law". (as above).

Koreans make demands on Japan over the "solved" "comfort women and forced laborers" issue, but should support "tens of thousands of Korean victims" who have been punished for "violating immigration laws." .

The Japanese government is hiding Japan's human rights violations by making up such things as "human rights violations against Uyghurs in China."

"I" am demanding "restoration of honor" and "compensation" for myself, the Chinese, and the Philippine Embassy officials.

Everyone in the world! ! Victims should report to their respective governments. The governments of each country have an obligation to demand the Japanese government to restore the honor of their own citizens and compensate them.

Part 3. Construction of special zones.
The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.
No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. Ukraine war.
Zelensky took office on an "election promise" to scrap the Minsk Accords and regain territory through war. But when news of his tax evasion and tax havens came to light, he started a war.
No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/
No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 5. "U.S., Russia, and China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show
To create a world without war, we need a “Tripartite Military Alliance”!
No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/
No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 6. Japan's notorious judicial system and human rights violations
Japan's judicial system: Immigration law violation case False accusation: Nissan Ghosn case False accusation: Abuse at immigration facility: International student/intern student case: Non-interference in domestic affairs: Foreign opinions
No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/
No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Corona sensor development 
We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "discovers" "infected persons" like thermography.

Part 8. North Korea's Abduction and Missile Issues & Taiwan's Defense

Part 9. Promotion of One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 

Part 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issues: Immigration/Refugee Issues: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Issues/Unification Church Issues

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is published in the following program.

If you have any questions, please contact us!

posted by 長野トミー at 05:58| 東京 ☀| Comment(0) | 英国首相 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

プーチン大統領、ウクライナ侵攻について「我々が始めたのではない」。2014年にウクライナでクーデターを起こしたのは我々ではない」。 オバマ大統領は、クーデーターの背後にいたのは、アメリカであったことを認めた

リシ・スナク英国首相 へ














「テレビ朝日 コメンテーター室 武隈◆ウクライナの独立と分断」の紹介。2022年2月22日、プーチン大統領が演説で「ウクライナはロシア革命後にロシアによって作られた。これは決して嘘ではなく、歴史的にはそういった部分があります。

「続き」は、第1章の引用文「読めば流れが分かる ウクライナ危機の背景」ご覧ください。



読めば流れが分かる ウクライナ危機の背景。 プーチン大統領は何を恐れているのか〜後編
プーチン大統領、ウクライナ侵攻について「我々が始めたのではない」 専門家会議で演説











裁判官は、クレイジーな「論理」で、「因果関係=Causal relationship」を述べた。(判決の文章)を「見る」と、「大笑い」します。

この事件は、警察官、検察官、裁判官による恣意的な適用法の誤りです。罪名は、「特別公務員職権乱用罪」および「虚偽の告訴罪=Crimes of False Complaints」です。検察は「告訴状」「告発状」を「職権」によって「握りつぶした」。よって「公訴時効」は停止しています。







ゼレンスキーは、ミンスク合意を廃棄し、戦争を通じて領土を取り戻すという「選挙の公約」をして大統領に就任した。しかし彼の 脱税やタックスヘイブンが報道されたとき、彼は戦争を始めた。




第8部。北朝鮮の拉致・ミサイル問題 & 台湾防衛 


第10部。「長野」オピニオン、次世代原発:CO2フリー & SDG:ロシア・ウクライナ侵攻問題:移民・難民問題:国際・米国政治・台湾問題・統一教会問題


長野恭博 (Yasuhiro Nagano)


posted by 長野トミー at 05:56| 東京 ☀| Comment(0) | 英国首相 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


To British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak "Nuclear power plants" aimed at reducing CO2 emissions are causing seawater temperatures to rise by 7 degrees due to the release of "thermal wastewater." Light water reactor nuclear power plants should be abolished.

To British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

2023-12-15:Dear Sir,
On the 2nd, COP28 announced that 116 countries have agreed to sign a pledge to triple the world's installed renewable energy capacity by 2030. Since "renewable energy" requires valuable "storage batteries," the "next generation vehicle" should be a "hydrogen vehicle."

Specific measures include efforts to phase out existing coal-fired power plants and phase out the use of fossil fuels. If we don't release CO2 into the "atmosphere" we should be able to use fossil fuels.

The G7 supports the idea of phasing out the use of fossil fuels, but major emitters such as China and India, as well as oil producing countries such as Saudi Arabia, oppose it.

"CCS", which separates and captures CO2 and stores it underground, and "CCU", which uses separated and captured CO2, are also being researched as important methods for reducing atmos-pheric CO2. (We should continue to use fossil fuels by storing CO2 underground.

The current efforts of each country say they are unable to achieve the global goal of limiting the rise in global average temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, but the United States insists on building more nuclear power plants. Light water reactor nuclear power plants are the cause of global warming by releasing warm wastewater into the ocean. It's crazy.

Countermeasures against global warming are not just about reducing CO2 emissions. ``Nuclear power plants'' designed to reduce CO2 release cooled ``thermal wastewater'' into the ocean, caus-ing seawater temperatures to rise by 7 to 10 degrees. Light water reactor nuclear power plants should be abolished.

We should promote "renewable energy" such as solar and wind power. However, most "renewable energy" cannot be said to be a stable power source. A storage battery is required to provide a stable power source.

Most of the raw materials for storage batteries are rare metals. The number of producing countries is also limited. For this reason, I am advocating that cars should be ``hydrogen cars.''

Raw materials for storage batteries should be given priority to storage batteries used to store elec-tricity generated using renewable energy. China has a policy of providing electricity through solar power generation and providing a stable supply of electricity in combination with storage batteries.

For this reason, China has a policy of restricting the export of components and raw materials for "storage batteries." China seems to be abandoning EV cars and moving to hydrogen fuel cars.

Rather than go to war with China and compete for the materials for storage batteries, Western countries should avoid war with China by using hydrogen to power their cars. A “second Ukraine war” should be “avoided at all costs.”

Part 1. Citations/reference materials
Will CO2 be useful in the future? ! Turning CO2 into a resource through “carbon recycling”
116 countries sign to triple installed capacity of renewable energy by 2030...COP28
What is a high temperature gas furnace?
Measures against heated wastewater
Thermal wastewater from nuclear power plants is destroying the oceans. A warm river flows from the nuclear power plant.
Compliance with new high temperature gas reactor standards com-pleted

I'll write tomorrow too.

"Part 2 (Japan's Abnormal Human Rights Violations)" was revised on February 27, 2023.

Part 2. Japan is a "state of abnormal human rights violations". "Everyone" of the "international community", please help!
First of all, please read "false accusation" in the 2010 "Crime of Supporting Violation of Immigration Law".

Reason for punishment:
A Chinese national obtained a "residence status" by submitting a "false employment contract." And they committed immigration law violations (activities outside of their qualifications).
Because "we" provided "false employment contract documents" to the Chinese, the Chinese were able to obtain "residence status."
The Chinese were able to "live" in Japan because they obtained a "status of residence".
Because the Chinese were able to "live" in Japan, they were able to "work illegally."
Therefore, ``we'' who ``provided'' the Chinese with ``false employment contract documents'' were punished as ``helping'' the Chinese ``activities outside the scope of their status of residence''.
This is an arbitrary "error of applicable law". This is out of the "logic of the law".

My claim:
"1" The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will take an "administrative disposition" (Immigration Control Act: Cancellation of the status of residence) for the act of submitting false documents and obtaining a status of residence. You are now "finished". "Aiding" an act of innocence is innocence.
A Chinese national who has engaged in “2” (activities outside the qualification) is not guilty. The reason is that the "person who hired them" has not been punished for "promoting illegal employment" under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, by "equality under the law", the Chinese are innocent.

The revision of the Immigration Control Law in December 2016 made it possible to punish the act of "providing" "false employment contract documents".
Implemented from January 2017. According to Article 39 of the Constitution, it is not possible to "retroactively" to the "past" and "punish".

See "Indictment." The stated facts "state" the "fact" of "not guilty." (Japanese English)
"My Appeal" (Japanese)
"My Appeal" (English)

"Chinese, Korean, Filipino, American, etc." There are more than tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world. An unusual number of people.

Prosecutors' "(deprivation) of liberty" is "arbitrary." They are "disobeying the law" and "selfish". They have no "(logical) (necessity)". The prosecution is "punishing" "as they wish".

In 2010, "me and the Chinese" in the immigration violation case, and in 2013, Philippine Embassy staff and diplomats were also punished for the same reason.

"I" argued "not guilty", explaining with "logic of the law".
Police and prosecutors then said, "(You) should admit (your crime) in general terms."
Japan is the only country that punishes in general terms! .
The judge stated "Causal relationship" with crazy "logic". When I "see" (text of the judgment), I "laugh out loud."

This case is an error of arbitrary application of law by police officers, prosecutors and judges. The charges are "abuse of authority of a special public official" and "crimes of false complaints." The prosecution "killed" the "accusation letter" and "accusation letter" by "ex officio." Therefore, the statute of limitations has been suspended.

I am "appealing" two things.
1: The foreigner performed "illegal labor" other than "status of residence". But foreigners are innocent because of "equality under the law".
2: The prosecution “applied” “Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code” to Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds of “support for Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act”. However, it is "error of applicable law". (as above).

Koreans make demands on Japan over the "solved" "comfort women and forced laborers" issue, but should support "tens of thousands of Korean victims" who have been punished for "violating immigration laws." .

The Japanese government is hiding Japan's human rights violations by making up such things as "human rights violations against Uyghurs in China."

"I" am demanding "restoration of honor" and "compensation" for myself, the Chinese, and the Philippine Embassy officials.

Everyone in the world! ! Victims should report to their respective governments. The governments of each country have an obligation to demand the Japanese government to restore the honor of their own citizens and compensate them.

Part 3. Construction of special zones.
The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.
No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. Ukraine war.
Zelensky took office on an "election promise" to scrap the Minsk Accords and regain territory through war. But when news of his tax evasion and tax havens came to light, he started a war.
No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/
No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 5. "U.S., Russia, and China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show
To create a world without war, we need a “Tripartite Military Alliance”!
No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/
No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 6. Japan's notorious judicial system and human rights violations
Japan's judicial system: Immigration law violation case False accusation: Nissan Ghosn case False accusation: Abuse at immigration facility: International student/intern student case: Non-interference in domestic affairs: Foreign opinions
No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/
No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Corona sensor development 
We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "discovers" "infected persons" like thermography.

Part 8. North Korea's Abduction and Missile Issues & Taiwan's Defense

Part 9. Promotion of One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 

Part 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issues: Immigration/Refugee Issues: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Issues/Unification Church Issues

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is published in the following program.

If you have any questions, please contact us!
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