毎日1600 ホワイトハウス•2018年8月13日 先日
NDAAは、防衛および軍事活動のために716億ドルの資金を承認することにより、国家を保護する大統領の能力を強化する。この前例のないサポートは、私たちの敵対者を抑え、トランプ政権の強大な政策を強く維持するのに役立ちます。 NDAAはまた、大統領の要求に応えて、私たちの軍隊に相当な賃金引き上げを命じている。
NDAAはまた、同盟国に対する我々の支持を強化する。イスラエルとの絆を強化するために、ミサイル防衛システムの共同開発と共同制作を認可する。 NDAAはまた、ヨーロッパ抑止イニシアチブに資金を提供することにより、ロシアの侵略に対する欧州同盟の支持を強化する。
トランプ大統領の減税措置を受けて、アメリカ人は給料が増えています。ハリエット・トーリー(Harriet Torry)は、ウォールストリート・ジャーナル(The Wall Street Journal)に、労働者は労働省によると、労働者は約10年間で最大の賃金上昇を受けていた」と述べた。
マイク・ペンス副大統領がペンタゴンで宇宙軍の発言を発表| 2018年8月9日(アンドレア・ハンクスの公式ホワイトハウス写真)
マイク・ペンス副大統領がペンタゴンで宇宙軍の発言を発表| 2018年8月9日
●こちらは、多くの外国人が被害者です。あなたも #MeToo 被害者です。
http://www.miraico.jp/Bridgetohumanrights/【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-08-14】
The White House • August 13, 2018
The Day Ahead
President Donald J. Trump will sign the National Defense Authorization Act for the next fiscal year. Watch live at 2:30 p.m. ET.
Rebuilding America’s ‘unmatched power’
Restoring our national security is a core piece of President Trump’s agenda to reinvigorate America. Today, that promise is being kept as the President signs the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2019.
The NDAA enhances the President’s ability to help protect the Nation by authorizing $716 billion in funding for defense and military activities. This unprecedented support will help to deter our adversaries and maintain the Trump Administration’s policy of peace through strength. The NDAA also fulfills the President’s request to give our troops a much-deserved pay raise.
The NDAA also strengthens our support for allies. In reinforcing our bond with Israel, it authorizes the co-development and co-production of missile defense systems. The NDAA also bolsters our support for European allies against Russian aggression by funding the European Deterrence Initiative.
“In confronting these dangers, we know that weakness is the surest path to conflict, and unmatched power is the surest means of our defense,” President Trump says addressing his national security policy.
Watch live as President Trump will sign the NDAA at 2:30 pm ET.
Tax cuts have unleashed America’s economic potential
Many Americans enjoyed tax-free shopping this weekend. This sales tax holiday gave many working families a break on items such as clothing and school supplies.
In the wake of President Trump’s tax cuts, Americans are seeing more money in their paychecks. Harriet Torry recently wrote in The Wall Street Journal that “U.S. workers received their biggest pay increases in nearly a decade,” according to the Department of Labor.
The American economy is also reaching new heights as we saw GDP growth of 4.1 percent in the second quarter. The President’s pro-growth economic agenda is delivering exactly what it promised. “My Administration remains very focused on the issues that will encourage economic growth—that’s what we’re all about,” President Trump said.
Photo of the Day
https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/V20180809AH-0443-1200x720.jpgficial White House Photo by Andrea Hanks
Vice President Mike Pence delivers remarks on the Space Force at the Pentagon | August 9, 2018
● Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a #MeToo victim too.