「オバマカレのシルバープランに加入している平均的な家族は、シルバープランの控除額が昨年だけでも13%増加し、現金支出のために最大13,725ドルを支払うでしょう」とハートランド・インスティテュートのジャスティン・ハスキンズは記しています。 "この高価な健康保険は事実上役に立たない。"
ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領は、5月に、欠陥のあるイランの核取引からの米国の撤退を発表した。今週、行政はその約束を守った。火曜日、深夜12時に、財務省は、オバマ政権が取引の一部として解除した制裁の多くを取り戻した、とRich Edsonは報告する。
- ワシントンタイムズ
スティーブンディナン氏によると、2017年に法的訪問者ビザで米国に来たのは40万人を超えていたが、6ヶ月後にはまだ6ヶ月後であったという。 「毎年違法に入国する新規入国者の割合は、「ビザの滞留」の大部分を占めています。
小規模事業主Linda McMahon氏は、「減税が効力を発動してから7ヶ月が経過しており、中小企業の経営者は、賃金の引き上げ、ボーナスと給付の提供、そしてより多くの雇用の創出など、 "これは本当に中小企業にとっての黄金時代です。"
IBD / TIPP世論調査:アメリカ人がトランプ「A」を経済に与える
-Investor's Business Daily
投資家のビジネスデイリー編集委員会は、新しい世論調査によると、アメリカ人がトランプ大統領を「A」グレードにすると書いている。 「2000年代初頭以降、人々は財政がより安全だと感じています」と言いました。
- タンパベイタイムズ
「合成オピオイドについては、小規模な症例はありません」とジェフセッションズ司法長官が書いています。 「3ミリグラムのフェンタニルは致死的であり得る。それは塩のピンチに相当します。リンカーンの顔を1ペニーで覆うだけでは十分ではありません」と述べました。そのため、当局はオペレーション合成オピオイドサージを開始しています。
- マイアミヘラルド
「この国への奉仕で多くのことを犠牲にした人々に、自ら自ら呼び出せる家があることを確かめることよりも、責任はほとんどありません」と住宅都市開発局長官のBen Carsonは書いています。 "これは解決できる問題です。"
●こちらは、多くの外国人が被害者です。あなたも #MeToo 被害者です。
【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-08-12】
Trump’s New Short-Term Health Insurance Rule is a Major Victory for Young People and Working Families
-Washington Examiner
“The average family enrolled in [an Obamacare] Silver Plan will pay a maximum of $13,725 for out-of-pocket expenses, with Silver Plan deductibles increasing by 13 percent in just the past year alone,” Justin Haskins of the Heartland Institute writes. “Health insurance this expensive is virtually useless.”
Trump Reinstates Iran Sanctions, Slams ‘Horrible’ Nuclear Deal
-Fox News
In May, President Donald J. Trump announced America’s withdrawal from the flawed Iran nuclear deal. This week, the Administration followed through on that promise. On Tuesday at midnight, the Treasury Department restored many of the sanctions the Obama Administration lifted as part of the deal, Rich Edson reports.
Pence Calls for Space Force to be Established by 2020
-Fox News
“Vice President Pence called Thursday for America to assert its dominance in space,” Adam Shaw reports—“and revealed the Trump administration wants to create the ‘Space Force’ by 2020.” The Vice President said “our adversaries have transformed space into a warfighting domain already and the United States will not shrink from this challenge.”
Israelis and Palestinians Must Unite Against Shared Threat
Special U.S. Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt writes that “while Hamas focuses on violence toward their Israeli neighbors, they have neglected and utterly failed to build the infrastructure and systems to make life better in Gaza.” But Greenblatt says that today Israelis and Palestinians have a chance to finally live in peace if they work together to address the deadly threat Hamas presents.
How Visa ‘Overstays’ are Fueling America’s Immigration Boom
-The Washington Times
Stephen Dinan reports that “more than 400,000 people came to the U.S. on legal visitor visas in 2017 but were still here six months after their time was up,” according to new information from the Department of Homeland Security. “‘Visa overstays’ account for a large percentage of new immigrants who settle illegally in the country every year.”
Tax Cuts Delivering Relief Small Businesses Need
“It’s now been seven months since the tax cuts took effect, and small business owners are making real investments in their businesses and their employees – raising wages, providing bonuses and benefits, and creating more jobs,” Small Business Administrator Linda McMahon writes. “This truly is a golden age for small business.”
Amgen Freezes Drug Prices, Credits Trump
-Washington Examiner
“Drug maker Amgen, which recently said that it won’t raise prices again this year, is crediting the Trump administration’s effort to steady the price of drugs,” Paul Bedard reports. President Trump has “pushed companies to lower prices and promised that many would. Amgen is one of the biggest to act since Trump made his promise.”
Hardly Anyone Wants to Admit America Is Beating Poverty
-The Wall Street Journal
Bruce Meyer and James Sullivan write that when it comes to poverty in America, “the White House tells the truth, but partisans on both sides are wedded to the idea of failure.” Their conclusion: “Encouraging self-sufficiency used to be a bipartisan issue; it can be again.”
IBD/TIPP Poll: Americans Give Trump An 'A' For Economy
-Investor’s Business Daily
The Investor’s Business Daily Editorial Board writes that Americans give President Trump an “A” grade on the economy, according to a new poll. The money quote—literally: “People are feeling more secure in their finances than they have at least since the early 2000s.”
Cracking Down on Synthetic Opioid Sales
-Tampa Bay Times
“When it comes to synthetic opioids, there is no such thing as a small case,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions writes. “Three milligrams of fentanyl can be fatal. That’s equivalent to a pinch of salt. It’s not even enough to cover Lincoln’s face on a penny.” That’s why the Administration is launching Operation Synthetic Opioids Surge.
The End of Veteran Homelessness is Within Reach in South Florida
-Miami Herald
“We have few responsibilities greater than making certain those who have sacrificed so much in service to this country have a home they can call their own,” Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson writes. “This is a problem we can solve.”
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