EUも有難う【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-04-15b 】
Mike Pence副大統領は、ペルーにおける第8回アメリカ大陸サミットの開会式で米国を代表するワシントンD.C.を出発しました。首脳会談の前に、副大統領はペルー駐在の駐韓ベネズエラの野党指導者と会談する。
CIAのMike Pompeoディレクターは、リーダーシップは成果に関するものだと考えています。そして過去14ヶ月間、その結果は典型的なものでした。北朝鮮に圧力をかけてISISを解体するまで、トランプ政権の最大の外交政策成果の一部は、ポンペオ監督の監視下でCIAの支援なしには実現できなかったであろう。
Mike Pompeoは1日目に国務省を率いる準備が整います。私たちの国が直面している重大な脅威のために、アメリカは次の国務長官として彼を必要としています。
More:なぜMike Pompeoがアメリカのトップ外交官として必要なリーダーなのか
それは労働者のための意味です。同じ調査によると、製造業者は17年間で賃金が最も速いペースで成長すると予想しています。 「聞いたことは、私たちが製造業の仕事を失っていることです。雇用は国外に持ち出されている」とトンプット大統領は昨日語った。 「彼らは戻ってきて、彼らは急速に戻ってくる」
他の主要な報告書は同じ話をしています。先月、独立系企業連合会の調査によると、部門間の中小企業は税金の心配がなく、労働者にもっと投資しているという。 Ernst&Youngは、幹部の89%が減税の結果として労働者の報酬を増やす予定であるとしていると報告しています。
【USA Mail magazine from the White House 2018-04-16b 】
Your 1600 Daily:
The White House • April 13, 2018
Driving the Day
Vice President Mike Pence departed Washington, D.C., this morning to represent the United States at the Opening Ceremony of the eighth Summit of the Americas in Peru. Before the summit, the Vice President will meet with Venezuelan opposition leaders at the residence of the U.S. Ambassador in Peru.
Mike Pompeo is the top diplomat America needs
CIA Director Mike Pompeo believes that leadership is about results. And for the past 14 months, those results have been exemplary. From pressuring North Korea to dismantling ISIS, some of the Trump Administration’s biggest foreign policy accomplishments wouldn’t have been possible without CIA support under the watch of Director Pompeo.
Pompeo’s successes come from proven experience. He has been privy to some of America’s toughest national security challenges since 2010, when he served on the House Intelligence Committee as a freshman member of Congress. He’s had stints as a U.S. Cavalry officer, an entrepreneur, an executive—even as Editor of Harvard Law Review.
His storied career adds up to one certainty: Mike Pompeo will be ready to lead the State Department on day one. With the grave threats facing our country, America needs him as our next Secretary of State.
More: Why Mike Pompeo is the leader America needs as its top diplomat
Tax cuts are energizing employers of all sizes
President Trump shared big news from the Rose Garden yesterday. Optimism among American manufacturers has reached unprecedented levels, according to a new survey from a leading industry group. Manufacturer optimism stood at 93.5 percent, the second highest reading in the survey’s history.
Even better news is what that means for workers. The same survey showed that manufacturers anticipate wages will grow at the fastest pace in 17 years. “All you used to hear is that we’re losing our manufacturing jobs; jobs are being taken out of the country,” President Trump said yesterday. “They’re coming back and they’re coming back fast.”
Other major reports tell the same story. Small businesses across sectors are worrying less about taxes and are investing more in their workers, according to a National Federation of Independent Businesses survey last month. And Ernst & Young reports that 89 percent of executives say their companies plan to increase worker compensation as a result of tax cuts.
See how President Trump’s tax cuts are energizing American employers of all sizes.
Photo of the Day
Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks
President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks on Tax Reform to American Workers
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